Table Genieintroducing the

Meet our one of a kind patent-pending lash table support device.


A sleek, adjustable device that can be applied to almost any regular massage bed so that you can place your legs firmly and ergonomically on the ground, under the table. The table genie does not compromise stability or weight limit for the massage table. It actually strengthens the structure of it!

Our story

The table genie was created by a Lash Artist and Engineer. I am a full-time lash artist and I could not find a good solution to get my legs under my massage bed while doing lashes. A recliner put too much pressure on my thighs, made me bend over too much, and required a large platform to be built. A regular massage bed had a big wood support beam that prevented my legs from going under the bed, requiring me to straddle the bed or sit sideways while I did lashes. My hips, and back quickly began aching and I was frustrated with how few of clients I could do without being in such debilitating pain. My brilliant engineer husband found a solution = The Table Genie: A sleek, adjustable device that can be applied to almost any regular massage bed so that you can place your legs firmly and ergonomically on the ground, under the table. The table genie does not compromise stability or weight limit for the massage table. It actually strengthens the structure of it! Trust me and the many girls who have purchased it for their bed, it’s worth every cent!

comfortablesettle in and get
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Table Geniemeet the couple behind thetm

Created by a lash artist and engineer, husband and wife team!


We're so excited to make your workday more comfortable.

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